Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Rocky Mountain High

We traveled to Grand Junction, Colorado on October 5th to go to Taryn and Adam's wedding.  Early that morning we picked Auntie Jean and Uncle Jon up and then got on a big airplane.  This time around I wasn't as enamored with flying as the Florida trip but Mommy let me sit by the window so I could look outside.  We had a short layover in Denver but then it was only a quick plane ride to Grand Junction.  We started exploring main street after lunch - they have so many cool statues (the one in the pics below is outside of Wells Fargo (mommy works for them in MN)).  On Saturday it was Taryn and Adam's big day (oh and Daddy's birthday too)!  I had to dress up fancy, what do you think of my tie?  We had a fun party after the wedding and I met some new girl friends and saw horses!  On Sunday we went to the dinosaur museum, I was really scared so that is why you don't see any pictures of that adventure.  Daddy drove us thru the mountains on Monday and I loved climbing and exploring on the big red rocks.  Mommy was nervous I was going to fall and get hurt but I knew everything would be ok.  After our mountain drive, Daddy took me to see the Colorado River.  We couldn't get super close but we did see some frogs which I thought was pretty cool.  I was ready to come home and glad when the plane ride was finally over with.  It isn't fair that they make you be buckled in when landing!  Mommy has videos to edit so watch for those soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Col. I loved your thoughts on the Colorado adventure. Traveling has lots exciting new things to explore doesn't it. As always I will be awaiting your next entry. Love, Gaga
