Saturday, August 28, 2010

Lanesboro August 26-27

We had a wonderful visit with the Brewster and Jenson families in Lanesboro on Thursday and Friday.  Scott (Carson's friend from college who lives in Seattle) was in town celebrating his 40th birthday.  Col met many new friends (Ethan (4), Grace (2 1/2) & Liam (3 months) Brewster and Elle (3) & Drew (almost 1) Jenson.  We stayed at Brewsters Red Hotel (same spot Cars and I enjoyed our honeymoon at!)  If you ever make it to Lanesboro this is the spot to stay!  What fun it was to have all the kids together and the men were reminiscing college days.  We can't wait for the next time we are all together to see what adventures the kids will have!

Liam and Col 

Elle (big sister of the group) watching over Col

Ethan making sure Col was smiling

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