Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Big Boy Unders

Today I decided I was done wearing diapers, at least during my nap.  During my afternoon nap which didn't really happen I took off my diaper and then called for mommy.  "Uh oh Mommy!" When mommy came in I showed her that I didn't have any clothes on!  When mommy asked if I wanted to try to go on the potty I went right out and got my Sesame Street potty insert and brought it to the big potty.  Guess what - I went pee two times on the potty!  I got to wear my big boy unders over my diaper and decided that was the fashion statement I was going to make.  Who needs pants?


  1. Congrats Col! You're on way to being such a big boy! So proud!

  2. Col you are the best! Don't grow up to fast, although big boy pants will save for that puppy you want!
