Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Catch and Release

We had an adventure up north to visit Grandma Great Martha, Uncle Joe and the cousins and Uncle Dave and Aunt Miki.  Grandma Great loved having you visit and you thought joining Grandma Great for breakfast and lunch with her friends was pretty fun.  Even though we had to evacuate to the hospital one night because of bad storms you were not going to let that get you down, the residents loved seeing your smiling face as you walked up and down the hallway waving and saying hello.

After Grandma Great's house we went to Uncle Dave's and Aunt Miki's - this is where your adventure really began.  They live in a log cabin in the woods on a lake!  You immediately wanted to pet the kittens that were there and follow them all over!  We walked down the hill towards the water and you climbed right up on the dock and wanted to get in the water. Little did you know that the sun fish were right there ready to bite at your toes.  Uncle Dave started catching the fish and gave the kitty a snack but you wanted them in a bucket so you could put them back in the water.  It reminded me of your dad who loves to fish as well and has been known to catch and release a few catfish in his fishing days.  Daddy brought down a fishing pole that was just your size and you started catching fish.  We enjoyed a wonderful fish fry dinner and then headed back to the water to take a boat ride. You were our pilot on the paddle boat helping steer so we wouldn't get too far from shore.  Then Daddy fired up the fishing boat and we went for a ride around the lake.  You were very serious but we saw sneaks of smiles coming out every once in awhile.  The loons started calling to each other at the end of the night and you were listening very hard for them because they were too far away to see.  It may have been over 100 degrees outside but seeing you fishing and enjoying so much time outside made it all worth it!  Daddy will have a fishing buddy and Mommy will enjoy the boat ride with a book in hand.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are going to have to get a furry little friend soon ;)
