Friday, April 27, 2012

Channeling Papa?

We all know Papa tends to have a pretty fast golf swing, looks like you may have inherited that same swing from him!  Or else you are trying to show off your slap shot skills, which means we better invest in a hockey stick!

Pony Boy

You were very adventurous tonight as you explored the streets of SLP on your pony!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Super

Spring has sprung and we are busy getting the gardens ready.  You love to be outside no matter the time of day!  Daddy was busy moving dirt and you were supervising.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Earth Day Cupcakes

Col crafted Earth Day cupcakes to bring to the girls at daycare tomorrow.  Everything is the color blue these days but he only wanted to stir the green cake mix and sample a bit of it!

"Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty." -John Ruskin

Saturday, April 14, 2012


We had a big rain storm last night which you and Dada slept right through!  This morning you wanted to be outside but were not quite ready to get dressed.  So in true fashion style you put your rain boots on over your pj's and set out to explore.  You found a big night crawler but would have nothing to do with it!  It was ok for Dada to pick up (notice Mama made no attempt to pick it up either).  You started to get a bit more intrigued but still didn't want to touch the worm.  You are now very busy helping Dada pick up sticks.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

We started our morning off sampling the Easter rolls we crafted the night before. You were Mama's big helper by adding all the ingredients in the mixing bowl and then later you tried your hand at kneading the dough but decided that was a better job for Mama to handle.  You enjoyed eating the tails off the bunny (if it had been chocolate I bet you would have eaten the ears first!)  We then got dressed to meet Gaga, Papa, Auntie Jean and Uncle Jon at church. One of the longest masses of the year and you sat through the whole thing!  Good music and worship were key factors in this happening today (oh and maybe, just maybe because you were sitting next to Papa that helped a little too!)  After church we went to Gaga Papa's House for an Easter egg hunt.  You were a little shy to start - Kevin and Debs had just arrived when we went out so you needed a few seconds to warm up to them.  But once you saw the eggs you were off to the races finding them and filling your basket with them.  That Easter bunny was pretty nice to you - gold dollars, quarters, jelly beans and a couple of $1 bills were tucked into the eggs you found, but he tried to fool you with a basket of tennis balls!  Afterwards we enjoyed a wonderful brunch with Gaga, Papa, Auntie Tori, Auntie Jean, Uncle Jon, Grandma Julie, Kevin and Debs.  Uncle Jon and Auntie Jean helped you craft some bean and egg soup - it was quite delicious as you let everyone sample it.  You crashed from your jelly bean high on the ride home but I am pretty sure there were visions of hopping easter bunnies and jelly beans dancing in your head.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Egg Hunt Preparation

You were preparing for the big Easter Egg Hunt that was coming up tomorrow.  That involved wearing your Egg Hunt Team Shirt, doing some exercises (stretching your arms and working on your ooh'ing sounds) and hanging out with your new Chicken pillow.  Because the important question is, who came first, the chicken or the egg?

Friday, April 6, 2012

Driving Gloves

You were pretty silly tonight wanting to wear Dada's glove to drive your car!  Then you needed a water break before you hit the road again.


Ranger is my next door neighbor kitty.  I like to meow at him through the fence but I am not too sure about petting him.

Ready for Rain

What do you think of my new rain boots I got today?  Luckily we have seen lots of sunshine so I hope I don't need them this weekend, especially because the Easter Bunny is supposed to hide eggs for me to find!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Working from Home

Col was enjoying the idea of working from home today.  Dada had set up the computer outside to catch up on a few problem tickets but you thought you would help out!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Tractor Time

Col enjoyed a few spins around the yard with Dada this afternoon and then decided he was ready to drive the tractor all on his own.  By the way, who needs ten and two when no hands works just great?!